KizombaFix Mix | February 2023
To celebrate love and the great weather we’ve had recently, let’s go back to basics with a kizomba/semba mix.
Feel free to download the mix! And consider tipping below to thank the contributors.
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Song list: (not in order)
Mulher de 40 by Nuxito
Padre ki casam by Bana
Se payou (remix) by Gabriela and Calo Pascoal
Escravo de Amor by Lindex
Par perfeito by Mago de Sousa
Carlito by Yola Semedo
Negra by Konde
Homenagem by C4 Pedro
Kaputo by Filho do Zua
Dioguito by Bangao
Cassequel by Ivete Galiano
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